230 Hour Holistic Yoga Teacher Training & Personal Transformation
See yourself more clearly through the lens of yoga.
Holistic Yoga Teacher Training & Personal Transformation program, certified through Yoga Alliance, will guide you to see yourself more clearly and unlock your highest potential as a teacher, as we explore body, mind and heart through a yogic lens. We have created a unique program that values practicality and wisdom in equal measure.
Applications for the 2025-2026 HYTT program are open!
“The HYTT program through Yoga Sanctuary is well thought-out and has an excellent curriculum format, with a different monthly focus within a consistent structure. Besides learning how to be a yoga teacher, I’ve learned so much about myself during HYTT. The program has been incredibly life-giving for me, even more than I expected. As an added bonus, the community built within a small group of dedicated yogis is positive and fun!”
— Molly, HYTT student alumni
Program Overview
Our holistic approach integrates trauma-awareness and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging through all aspects of training, with a special emphasis during our Self-Care Spring Retreat.
Elemental themes provide a map for us to interact holistically with yogic concepts including asana (physical postures), yoga history, anatomy, pranayama (breath practices), yoga philosophy, Ayurveda and meditation. Our program concentrates on one of the five elements at a time - fire, water, earth, air, space/sound to layer your learning, circling back in the whole. For example, when studying the Fire element, we will explore the core muscles, heat-building practices, digestive health, ego, will-power, and the energetic aspects of Fire. As we move through the year, we will create an integral relationship between the elements and our lived experience.
As a participant in our program, your development as a whole person is our priority. We will dive into texts like Yoga Beyond Belief for Svadhyaya (self-study), as well as soak in the ancient wisdom of the Yoga Sutras and the Yamas and Niyamas. We explore a 40 day practice of dinacharya (self-care rituals) together and take time for partner/small group discussions.
We believe that the best way to learn to teach is to fully experience the teachings in your own person, and then share what is true for you. We are also deeply committed to safe, fun, relational yoga and work to prepare teachers with sound alignment, time to practice your teaching voice and plenty of tools for creating yoga sequences to reach a desired energetic effect.
We will learn together through group practice, lecture, discussion, chanting, community collaboration, personal inquiry, small groups, and mentoring with seasoned teachers. We will laugh, share, sweat, be surprised, and even cook together on our path towards awakening the full potential of the whole self and the teacher within.
OUR INTENTION is that by the end of this 9-month course, you will be:
• further established in your personal yoga practice.
• equipped with tools to find balance through the ever-changing seasons of life.
• prepared to confidently teach yoga that is safe, fun and relational to varied populations.
OUR HOPE is that during our time together, you will get to know yourself on a deeper level—and that this true Self will be welcomed, nourished and empowered to live with steadiness and ease.
• Do you desire to deepen your understanding of yoga practices that can transform your life?
• Would you like to learn practical tools to enhance everyday living, and learn ways to share these tools with others?
• Are you interested in embodying yogic principles by integrating ancient wisdom teachings with relevant science in order to effectively practice and teach yoga?
• Are you a professional seeking to use mindfulness, breath techniques and holistic practices with your clients?
Are you ready to feel more embodied, more empowered, and more fully-integrated in all aspects of your being? We invite you to join our supportive community and begin your journey toward transformation.
We are excited about this program and would love to talk with you. Please be in touch!
We meet one weekend/month, plus some Wednesday evenings 6-9pm. This creates a continuous thread as our community builds, and helps us all to stay connected to the teachings, practices and each other.
Between our sessions together, we ask each person to spend 6-9 hrs/month wrestling with readings, personal reflections questions, attending yoga classes and other assignments.
Because we focus on holding space for each other, attendance to all sessions is important. Make-ups through recordings are possible when life happens, but it's best to plan to be fully present.

Info Sessions + Applications
Please join Shelley and Tracy for a 45-minute Informational Meetings (ZOOM+ In-person) to see if our program is a good fit for you:
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 at 9:30-10:30a
SUNDAY, MARCH 23 at 10:15-11:15a
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 at 6:30-7:30p
SATURDAY, MAY 10 at 11:30-12:30p
SUNDAY, JUNE 8 at 10:15-11:15a
As part of the application process, we ask that everyone attend an info meeting to talk with us directly about the curriculum, commitments and scope of our program. If you have not been to class at Yoga Sanctuary with Shelley or Tracy, you will need to attend ONE FREE CLASS before being accepted into the program.
Tuition + Scholarships
As a nonprofit, we seek to make holistic yoga more accessible by providing scholarships to aspiring yoga teachers, or anyone looking to deepen their practice, fostering a train-the-trainer model of community care.
All Payment Options include:
+ SELF-CARE RETREAT at Sugarbush Lodge in Alexandria, MN
+ GUEST TEACHERSEarly Bird | $2900
$2900 before July 31 2025On Time | $3100
$3100 by September 1, 2025Four Installments | $3200
$800 due Sept, Nov, Feb & MarchTuition does not include the purchase of books and yoga props.
Cash or checks to Yoga Sanctuary preferred, (3% credit fee included on PayPal payments- use Transform Yourself button below)
Two $500 Scholarships available for Teaching Assistant positions for Holistic Yoga Teacher Training.
TAs will help Shelley + Tracy keep the program running smoothly, working until the final weekend in May (about 3 hours of work per month). We will designate tasks based on individual interest and skill, but may include keeping track of attendance/assignments, posting recordings for student use, opening/closing the spaces for class, helping with social media posts, etc.
After you have applied to the HYTT program, contact us to set up a TA application interview - we'd like to talk in-person or on the phone briefly about what we are hoping TAs will bring to the program, and about what you can bring to the TA position to help select the right fit all around.
We recognize the disparity and inequity inherent in our country’s origin and intentionally offer scholarships to folks who have been harmed by systemic racism. Yoga Sanctuary offers $200-$600 scholarships to people who identify as a Person of Color, Black, Indigenous, and are faced with financial hardship. We want to share yoga, share life and share peace with you, so you can share the gift of Holistic Yoga with others. Please reach out to us via email to apply. shelley@yogasanctuarympls.com
Since 2023, Yoga Sanctuary has partnered with CAPI to offer fully funded positions for Holistic Yoga Teacher Training to 3-4 folks per year. These scholarships are for folks identifying as BIPOC who would like to deepen their yoga practice and become a certified yoga teacher. These scholarships are full-tuition, and we also provide the required books, props, and 48 free classes at Yoga Sanctuary.
After the program is completed, the new teachers step into service, teaching free yoga to underserved populations. These teachers receive mentor support during this time.
These scholarships require a separate application and attending a yoga class with Tracy or Shelley. The 2024-25 positions have been filled, We hope to know more about future positions like this soon!
Pay Tuition Online
3% credit fee included on PayPal payments- use “Transform Yourself” button below, choose from drop-down menu.
Certified by Yoga Alliance
HYTT is a State Licensed Private School through the office of
Higher Education in Minnesota
Our 9-Month Program runs September – May
One Weekend plus 2 Evenings per month
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