Class Packages and Pricing
Our Pricing Philosophy
Yoga Sanctuary believes in making holistic yoga accessible to EVERY BODY.
We steward our finances through the lens of Karma Yoga, the yoga of action, which is practiced when we serve our fellow humans without expecting anything in return.
We intentionally keep our class and workshop prices below market prices offering some of the lowest rates in the Twin Cities. We provide further access through a sliding scales, subsidized rates, and scholarships.
First Class
New to yoga or practicing with us at Yoga Sanctuary? The first class is on us. Find a variety of class styles and levels to choose from.
BIPOC Intro Week
New to yoga or practicing with us at Yoga Sanctuary? If you identify as BIPOC, enjoy unlimited free classes for your first week. Find a variety of class styles and levels to choose from.
20 Class Pass
Looking for flexibility in how frequently you take classes with us? Purchase a 20 class package at $230. This equates to about $11.50 per class.
Monthly Membership
Looking for fit in a variety of classes into your week? Take up to 30 classes per month with our membership package.
Sustaining Member
$1,500 unlimited classes, 40% off workshops, helps keep our nonprofit sustainable through trying times. THANK YOU!
Adult Drop-In
Looking to take a class here or there? Choose from a variety of class styles at this single class drop-in rate.
12 Class Pass
Looking for flexibility in how frequently you take classes with us? Purchase a 12-class package at $160. This equates to about $13 per class.
Annual Membership
Take as many classes as your heart desires by purchasing an annual pass. There are no limits to the number of classes with this package which includes our entire Yoga Video Library!
Seniors | Veterans | Kids
Please take us up on this special single class drop-in rate if you are over 65 years. 12-class pass is available for $144.
We recognize the disparity and inequity inherent in our country’s origin and intentionally offer reduced rates and scholarships to folks who have been harmed by systemic racism. if you identify as a Person of Color, Black or Indigenous, we honor you and invite you to explore the healing power of yoga with us. Please connect with Shelley@YogaSanctuaryMpls.com if you would like support.
Yoga Sanctuary believes in making holistic yoga accessible to EVERY BODY.
We do not follow a capitalistic model therefore we do not charge market rate for our classes and instead keep our prices as low as possible, but this is still not affordable for some folks. If cost is a barrier to you, please reach out.

Give the gift of yoga to others
Find a class format that works for you.
At-Home (livestream) Classes
+ please preregister at least 15 minutes prior to class start
+ the Yoga Teacher will send you an email with the ZOOM LINK 10-15 minutes before class
+ if you do not get the email, please check your spam / junk mail
+Please leave your video on, your microphone muted, and position the camera so that I can see you if possible. As a teacher, we love to be able to see you because we can direct the cues and the class flow around what we see happening in students’ bodies. It also helps us all to feel connected. You can always choose to “Stop Video” so that you are not visible to me or the other students if you prefer,
In-Studio Classes
+ please preregister limited to 16 students
+ CASH/CHECKS are appreciated to offset high cc fees - bring payment in for a pass and we will add the classes to your account
+ please ‘early cancel’ your registration 2+ hours prior to class to make room for another student and to use your purchase at a later date
+ the outside door is unlocked on a timer 20 minutes before class and locks automatically 5 minutes after class begins
+ hands-on support might be offered and is always optional
+ please do not come to class if you are feeling unwell
Outdoor Classes
+ please preregister one hour prior to class start
+ bring a sheet to lay your mat on and a blanket for savasana
Lyndale Park Rose Garden - 4124 Roseway Rd, Minneapolis, MN 55408, United States. Map of our precise location 44.92760333705291, -93.29536567169616
WEATHER: if temps are below 55* class will be held on ZOOM. You will receive a Zoom link to a livestream class at least an hour before class begins. If you receive the zoom link and a virtual class is not to your liking that day, you can early cancel your registration and you will not be charged.